
Time, time..

Never enough time in the day, especially while I'm job-hunting and writing 5 different stories/entries/items at once. And the job-hunting is not going well, so there's a certain amount of frustration building.

Some of you are probably thinking that means the next couple stories are going to be about me ravaging women.

Hmm. Maybe.

I'm hoping to have my two stories finished for Lit tonight, and put them in tomorrow, at which point, I can get back to finishing the ones I've got started here. All these ideas in my head, and not enough time to put them down.

There's a Steven King book, Tommywalkers, I think, where one of the characters creates a machine that takes her ideas directly from her brain, and types them out for her, ala telekinesis or some other psychic powers. If only, I had one of those. I could write pages and pages a day, without even trying.

Nice to have such realistic dreams, eh? I suppose that's why they call them fantasies.

And the two stories... well, they're quite different from each other. I'll have a post about those, once they go up on the site.

And, I've been searching for deliciously naughty photos online, in what little spare time I have. If anyone knows of any sites, hit me up.

I loves me the photos.
