

In between hangovers, drinking, and work, I managed to catch portions of several vampire movies this weekend.

I have always loved a good vampire yarn. Vamps are inherently seductive, or at least portrayed that way. The whole biting-of-the-neck thing... mm. There's nothing like watching the camera zoom in on a pair of teeth about to bite into a pulsing neck.

That being said, "Queen of the Damned" was pathetic. I've read a couple Anne Rice novels, and have been unsatisfied with the direction she's taken her characters. One of my principal problems with writing is the structure: I have to have an ending of some sort. A -satisfactory- ending. I read a trilogy of books by Rice that started off in an interesting fashion, but then turned into something completely different during the 2nd book, and then went even further in a different direction in the 3rd.

Well, there was this one scene in the first book that I used to use for... ah...personal reflection, if you catch my drift. Damn, that scene was hot.


QotD was pretty bad.

The recent Rob Lowe mini-series, Salem's Lot is a re-make of a Stepehn King book. Much, MUCH better. There was something very fucking creepy about the vamps in that movie. If I had seen that when I was 6 or 7, I would've pissed my pants in fear.

And then there's The Lost Boys, starring Corey and Corey. That movie was fantastic. Corny as hell, but the soundtrack rocked, and Kiefer as a bad guy? Rock on.
