
Now you know

I changed the name of the blog to Kinky Bastard. Although the link is the same, I just wasn't grooving on the "Upstate" thing.

Kinky Bastard sounds better. And you don't need to know where I live in NY. Just as long as it ain't NYC.


I updated all of the stories I've written here on the blog. I haven't made it clear that it's all fiction, so I renamed all of them (adding "Fiction" to the title) and updated the links on the side.

So, now you know, SK8-RN.



On Wednesday night, ABC is replaying the 2-hour season premiere of LOST. If you're not watching it, you're foolish. Really.

Hell, it's got one of the hobbits in it. How can you not love the hobbits?


I added some X-mas cheer to the site. Don't call me a grinch.

--The Bastard