

What a strange couple days I've had.

Between several long nights of drunken revelry; a 5-hour trip to the Emergency Room (Yes, everyone is fine); a 3.5 hour drive that took over 5 hours; catching up with a handful of old colleagues who were all of the mind(as one person put it) that I had "dropped off the face of the earth"; an odd conversation with an old mentor; a fun conversation with a friend's wife; a quiet conversation with a very old friend; an act of singing(which I had sworn never to do again) that really sounded quite horrid; making a new friend; threatening with new friend to go find an exhibitor, bend her over the table in the exhibit hall, smack her ass, fuck her brains out, then jump on the table, screaming "-------- RULES!", then walking away; Laughing hysterically for 15 minutes over the previous idea, then getting another drink...

Between all that, I still managed to almost reserve a first-class, one way ticket to hell, by almost hooking up with a wonderful, blond-haired, drunken woman.

Who was married.

Sorry to say, I was a good boy.

Only because her (also drunk) boss was present and cock-blocked me.



Best quote of the last three days:

Her: "Hey!!"

Him: "What?"

Her: "You can't do that!"

Him: "What? Why not?"

Her, points to Me: "Only he's allowed to smack my ass."

Me: "Heh."

She had nice soft lips, too.

Mm, yummy.

Oh well.

Back to the grind.

--The Bastard